Hi, my name is Mac Nichols.

This is the closest picture I had of “just me” and they tell me it’s terrible. Soon to be replaced they claim… I think it’s just because all my best photos have my wife in them… any who

I am from Mantachie, a small town in northeast Mississippi, and tracked through Olemiss, Kansas City and then Chicago before landing in Oxford in 2011. We have been here since with a growing family. I have worked as a Board Certified Emergency Medicine physician in Oxford, New Albany, Booneville, Panola and Grenada… I hope I’ve never had to see any of you at work!

My story with weight has been a long one. When I was 90lbs heavier I “ran” the gauntlet from ‘Eat less, move more’ to calorie restriction and atkins and no soda and and and and and

I lost weight and gained weight and felt good sometimes and sometimes not. I decided a few years ago to change my approach and try to jump through the noise of marketing and fads to find the real research behind what works and what doesn’t. The universal truth, there is NO one plan for everyone.

Hey, I’m Courtney Sessums!

I am originally from Pontotoc, MS. I moved to Oxford in 2008 after graduating as a Registered Nurse and began working at Baptist Memorial Hospital in the ER. In 2012, I graduated from the Mississippi University for Women and became a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and later a certified Emergency Nurse Practitioner. I have worked in the Emergency Department in Oxford, Tupelo, Batesville and New Albany; but my main practice setting is in Oxford. I married in 2011, and we have two wonderful daughters. 

I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life; worse so after becoming a mother. I found the stress of working full time and motherhood was a crutch for my food addiction. I tried many different diets and even diet fads ranging from Weight Watchers to straight calorie restriction. I would lose some weight but then gain it back two fold. 

Dr Mac talked me into trying a new approach to food and diet, which completely changed my life and how I view my health. Sustainable, adaptable to my life and all the swings. My daughters are young and full of energy and I wanted to be present in their play and make memories WITH them. I have energy for days and ENJOY eating again!

I am currently at 100 lbs lost and going on 3 years stable since starting the lifestyle change. I truly believe in what we do and how it can improve your life!

Meet Brody Horne!

Brody Horne is a dedicated Nurse Practitioner with five years of invaluable experience.

With a passion for health and wellness, Brody isn't just a practitioner; he's a living testament to the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. As an avid ultra-marathon runner and weightlifting enthusiast, he understands firsthand the transformative power of fitness and nutrition.

Now, Brody channels his expertise and personal journey into guiding others towards their own weight loss and longevity goals at our clinic. With Brody's support, embark on a journey to holistic health and vibrant living!

From discussions about healthy nutrition and weight loss to supplements and even diving deep into the dedication and mental strength it takes to accomplish your goals. If you want to lose 100 lbs or run 100 miles, I want to help!